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10 Simple Cybersecurity Rules for Your Employees

Updated: May 22

There is no telling when a cyberattack will happen, and you need to prepare your workers accordingly.

You want your employees to avoid cyberattacks and data breaches. Yet, you may be unsure about how to accomplish your goal. One of the best things you can do to help your workers guard against cybersecurity incidents: establish cybersecurity rules for your workforce.

Cybersecurity is crucial for businesses of all sizes and across all industries. With cybersecurity rules in place, your employees will be well-equipped to identify cyber risks before they escalate. Plus, your company can minimize the risk of data breaches and their associated damage.

Simple cybersecurity rules can make a world of difference for your business and its employees. Now, let's look at 10 cybersecurity rules you should implement right away.

1. Use Authorized Devices Only

Employees should not use their personal devices for business tasks. Instead, they should be provided with smartphones or tablets equipped with business security software or only leverage business computers for work tasks.

2. Avoid Personal Emails

Employees should avoid using their work devices to access personal emails and other non-business accounts. Conversely, employees should use their work devices exclusively for their intended purpose.

3. Update Passwords Regularly

Employees should be required to update their business account passwords at least every three months. If an employee forgets their password and gets locked out of a business account, he or she should update their password at that time.

4. Use Complex Passwords

Employees must use account passwords that contain a combination of numbers, letters, and special characters. Also, employees must be required to use different passwords for various business accounts.

5. Enforce Two-Factor Authentication

Employees must use business devices that require two-factor authentication (2FA); with 2FA, workers will need to provide their credential, then complete a second step to verify their identity.

6. Encrypt Data

Employees should leverage data encryption technology for all business data. This information should be encrypted, regardless of where it is stored.

7. Back Up Data Regularly

Employees must perform regular backups. Data should be backed up in a secure location; this ensures that the information can be securely accessed if business devices or systems are damaged or destroyed.

8. Use Antivirus and Antimalware Software

Employees must install antivirus and antimalware software on all of their business devices. This software must be updated regularly as well.

9. Engage in Regular Training

Employees must undergo cybersecurity awareness training at different points during the year. Workers must also get tested to ensure they understand different types of cyberattacks and the risks they pose to a business.

10. Provide Feedback

Employees must notify managers if they discover a cyberattack or data breach. Furthermore, they should provide feedback to managers if they identify any ways to improve a company's cybersecurity strategy.

Want to Hire Top Talent? Partner with Ascend Staffing

Ascend Staffing wants to help businesses improve their security posture and eliminate the risk of data breaches. We also provide extensive staffing services to help companies add outstanding talent. To learn more about our staffing services, please contact us today.  


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