You want your remote workers to be as productive as possible. Yet, your business frequently struggles to track the performance of its remote employees.
Measuring the performance of remote workers can be difficult, but there are many ways to track the productivity of these employees, such as:
1. Establish Goals
Create goals to ensure that work tasks and projects are completed as requested. If you find your remote workers consistently fall short of goals, meet with your employees to determine if these goals need to be revised.
2. Prioritize Important Tasks
Ensure your remote workers understand the difference between "important" and "urgent" tasks. Encourage these workers to prioritize important tasks, i.e. high-value tasks, over urgent ones. Also, track the number of important tasks that your workers complete in a work day or week.
3. Make Workers Accountable
Collaborate with remote workers and make plans that hold them accountable for their performance. Each plan should include daily, monthly, and annual productivity goals, along with steps that a remote employee can take to achieve these goals.
4. Provide Feedback
Dedicate at least a few minutes each week to meet with a remote worker to discuss their performance. Let your remote workers know if your business is on track to accomplish its desired results and if your employees can do anything else to support your company. Furthermore, listen to your employees' concerns and questions and address them accordingly.
5. Allow Workers to Track Their Activities
Encourage remote workers to list the business activities they perform every day. At the end of the week, you can review these activities to see how your employees spend their time. Then, you can offer tips and recommendations to help them optimize their time.
6. Conduct Annual Reviews
Use an annual review to see how a remote worker performs over the course of a year and if their results fall in line with your company's goals. This review also provides an opportunity for a remote worker to share any lessons learned and other insights gained over the past year.
7. Maintain Ongoing Communication
Give your remote workers plenty of opportunities to engage with you throughout the work week. At the same time, you should reach out to your remote employees regularly to ensure that they receive the support they need to maximize their productivity.
8. Express Appreciation and Gratitude
Show appreciation and gratitude to your remote employees whenever possible. Even small acts like letting remote employees leave work early on a Friday afternoon can deliver long-lasting benefits. Over time, these acts may even help your business engage its remote workers and help them improve their performance.
9. Offer Incentives to Top Performers
Provide extra time-off, bonuses, and other incentives to the top remote workers. It may also be helpful to set up friendly competitions that encourage remote workers to step up their performance to earn various incentives.
10. Empower Your Workforce
Let your remote workers know that you trust them to get their jobs done. Empowered employees are difference-makers, and they can help your business boost its productivity and foster a positive culture that resonates across all departments.
Hire Skilled Professionals with Assistance from Ascend Staffing
The aforementioned tips may help your remote workers become more productive and efficient than ever before. Meanwhile, Ascend Staffing can put your business in touch with quality candidates to fill both remote and in-house roles. To find out more, please contact us today.