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5 Interview Tips for Employers

Updated: May 22, 2024

For an employer, a job interview can help you learn about a candidate and find out if he or she is a good fit for a particular role with your business. Each interview is different, but how you interview candidates should remain the same. With the right interview process in place, you can quickly identify top talent.

There are several things you can do to conduct effective interviews, such as:

1. Review a Candidate's Application 

Don't rush through a candidate's application. Instead, read the candidate's application carefully, take notes, and tailor your interview questions accordingly.

A close review of a candidate's application provides insights into their job history, skills, and education. If you have additional questions about a candidate after this review, you can share them during an interview.

2. Help the Candidate Feel Comfortable 

Set the stage for a stress-free interview for both you and a candidate. To do so, start the interview with a brief introduction, then let the candidate know what to expect during the meeting.

If a candidate knows what to expect during an interview, he or she may feel at ease throughout the process. As a result, you'll be well-equipped to get a candidate's best interview performance.

3. Use Criteria to Evaluate a Candidate 

Develop a list of criteria that highlights what you want to find in your ideal candidate. You can then use your criteria to assess a candidate during an interview and determine if he or she has what it takes to thrive in a specific role.

Use your interview questions to evaluate a candidate based on your criteria. How a candidate responds to your questions can help you find out if a candidate can succeed in a role with your business, so listen closely to their responses.

4. Watch for Red Flags 

Keep an eye out for red flags throughout an interview. For example, a candidate who cannot communicate effectively during an interview may struggle in a role where regular communication with clients and colleagues is required. Or, a candidate who brags about receiving job offers from other businesses may be a terrific fit for a role elsewhere.

A red flag should not necessarily disqualify a candidate from a position with your company. But, if you feel a red flag makes a candidate a poor fit for a particular position, you should consider other candidates for the role.

5. Wrap Up the Interview on a Positive Note 

At the end of an interview, give a candidate an opportunity to ask questions and learn about your company. Next, let the candidate know you'll follow up with him or her soon.

Once you decide whether to move forward with a candidate, get in touch with him or her. That way, a candidate knows exactly where he or she stands in the interview process.

Find the Exact Talent You Need with Help from Ascend Staffing 

Ascend Staffing can connect your business with top talent. Contact us today to learn why businesses choose us to fulfill their staffing needs.

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