Now, Let's Look at Seven Tactics You Can Use to Build Strong Bonds With Your Colleagues:
1. Understand Your Strengths and Weaknesses
Think about what you bring to a relationship. For example, if you are a great listener, you can listen to what your coworkers have to say and respond accordingly. Your colleagues will likely want to connect with you, and this can lay the foundation for strong bonds.
On the other hand, if your communication skills need some work, you can focus on improving them. You can engage with peers, learn from these experiences, and enhance your communication skills.
2. Spend Time with Your Colleagues
Set up a time to meet with colleagues. For instance, you can invite a coworker to enjoy coffee together. If an initial meeting goes well, you can make your coffee meetup a regular occurrence.
Don't forget about meetups with peers if you work remotely. You can always schedule virtual meetings to chat with peers. These meetings allow you to engage with colleagues, regardless of location.
3. Do What You Say You Will Do
To build trust with your peers, you need to follow through on your commitments. If you give a coworker your word that a work task will be completed by a certain date and time, notify your peer as soon as you are done. Or, if you cannot complete a work task as planned, get in touch with your colleague when you know you are going to be late on it.
Remember, reliability is crucial at work. If your peers believe you are reliable, they will trust you to get work done as planned. This can even lead your superiors to consider you for promotions down the line, too.
4. Ask for Help When You Need It
You may be tempted to try to do everything by yourself, but you are not alone. If you want help, ask a team member for assistance. This allows you to learn from a coworker and gain a new skill. It also shows that you are a team player who is willing to ask for help to ensure that work is done correctly.
5. Establish Boundaries
Tell your peers when you need time to focus on work tasks. Be clear and direct about your boundaries. Otherwise, you risk socializing and overworking, which can hurt both you and your peers.
6. Express Gratitude
Thank coworkers who help you out. You can express your gratitude by saying thank you or writing a brief thank-you note. When you show gratitude, your peers will notice. They may also express gratitude when you help them out.
7. Avoid Gossip
Do not talk about your coworkers behind their backs. If you have an issue with a colleague, confront this individual about it. You can then discuss the problem and work toward finding the best possible solution.
Find a Company Where You Can Build Strong Bonds with Your Colleagues
At Ascend Staffing, we understand the importance of strong bonds with coworkers. We can help you land a job where you can build positive relationships with peers. To get started, explore our job board today.