There Are Many Employee Engagement Ideas That Deliver Proven Results, Including:
1. Spending Time with Your Workers
If you want to engage with a worker, get to know him or her. Set up a time to meet with an employee at work. At this point, your employee can share any thoughts or feedback about their role, your company, or any other work topics. In addition, your worker can give you insights into any incentives you can offer to boost employee engagement.
2. Offering Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteering can lay the foundation for a long-lasting relationship with an employee. You can give your workers opportunities to take time away from their daily tasks to volunteer at a local charity or nonprofit organization. This allows your workers to give back to their community. It also shows you want your employees to contribute to their community, even if it means giving up time at work.
3. Communicating with Your Employees Through a Variety of Platforms
Give your employees many platforms to communicate and collaborate with one another. Along with face-to-face communications, you can provide your workers with tools and software that they can use to engage with peers and superiors from around the world.
4. Providing Career Development Programs
Establish a career development program for workers in various roles. The program can provide workers with a path to follow so they can accelerate their career growth. On top of that, you can make it easier than ever before for workers to grow their careers with your business.
5. Streamlining Your Onboarding Process
Do not let a slow, tedious onboarding process prevent top talent from joining your business. Conversely, revamp your onboarding process and make it as seamless as you can. Learn from your new hires and find out what they like and dislike about your current onboarding process. You can then take steps to optimize this process.
6. Promoting Professional Networking
Host professional networking events and invite your employees to attend. These events give your company a chance to promote itself to industry professionals. Furthermore, your employees can engage with industry professionals and grow their professional networks.
7. Training Your Workers
Offer comprehensive training to help your workers become better at their jobs. You can provide training programs to teach workers new skills or help them enhance existing ones. Meanwhile, you can offer training programs to workers of all skill and experience levels.
8. Fine-Tuning Your Culture
Make your culture a top priority. You can take a look at your business' mission, values, and goals and revise them as needed. From here, you can establish a culture that resonates with your workforce and the talent you want to join your team.
Looking for More Employee Engagement Ideas?
Ascend Staffing can help you take your employee engagement to the next level. We can provide you with employee engagement ideas and find talent that lines up with your expectations. To get started, please contact us today.