Manufacturing jobs are readily available. Meanwhile, Generation Z could fill the talent shortage that plagues manufacturers across the United States. And with the right approach, you can identify Gen Z talent to fill manufacturing jobs now and in the future.
Tips to Attract Gen Z Talent to Manufacturing Jobs
Gen Z includes all individuals born after 1996. The generation is unlike any other to date. However, with careful planning, your business can connect with Gen Zers. Plus, you can drive Gen Zers to pursue manufacturing jobs across your company.
Ultimately, there is no one-size-fits-all approach to engage with Gen Z talent. But, there are many things you can do to get Gen Zers interested in your manufacturing jobs. These include:
1. Offer a Wide Range of Perks
On average, the median annual salary for production occupations and other manufacturing jobs totaled $37,440 as of May 2020, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Comparatively, the median annual salary for all U.S. workers was $41,950.
Your business can offer an above-average starting salary as part of its efforts to draw Gen Z talent to your manufacturing jobs. Conversely, if you have limited funds available, explore alternative perks in lieu of a high annual salary.
For instance, you can offer a comprehensive benefits package to Gen Z job seekers. Or, you can provide flexible work schedules. You can even offer plenty of time off, so your Gen Z manufacturing employees can maintain a healthy work-life balance.
2. Partner with Colleges and Universities
Colleges and universities offer manufacturing degree and certification programs. And you can partner with these schools to promote your manufacturing career opportunities to Gen Z talent.
Reach out to local colleges and universities. From here, you can establish partnership programs that prove to be mutually beneficial for all involved.
For instance, you can offer manufacturing internships that a college or university promotes to its students. If a student enrolls in your internship, this individual can position themselves to land a manufacturing job with your business following graduation. Furthermore, the student can earn college or university credit as part of their internship.
3. Promote Your Manufacturing Jobs Across Social Media
LinkedIn and other social media platforms can help your business build its online presence. At the same time, they make it easy to share your manufacturing job postings with Gen Z talent.
Publish manufacturing job postings on social networks. Encourage your employees to share these postings via social media. Moreover, post a variety of content and images to promote your social media job postings.
As you publish social media job postings, update them regularly. And if a job candidate comments on a social media job posting, respond accordingly.
The Bottom Line on Attracting Gen Z Talent to Manufacturing Jobs
Get started on pursuing Gen Z talent to fill your company's manufacturing jobs. If you need extra help, partner with Ascend Staffing. We help manufacturers and other companies identify talent to fill myriad roles. To find out more, please contact us today.