You want your career to prosper in 2021 and beyond. In order to accelerate your career growth, you need to take a "SMART" approach to your career goals.
A SMART approach involves creating career goals that are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely. Once you make SMART goals, you can begin your journey toward accomplishing your career aspirations.
There are several things that you can do to make your career goals SMART for the new year, including:
1. Keep Your Goals Simple
A SMART goal should be clear and concise. It leaves no room for guesswork, and instead, motivates and inspires you to accomplish the goal as quickly as possible.
Ensure that your SMART goals are actionable, too. Each SMART goal should lead you to give your best, so you are well-equipped to achieve your goal and move your career forward.
2. Make a Plan
Along with establishing a SMART goal, you should make a plan to achieve each one. The plan should include steps you can take to accomplish a goal and account for any challenges you may face along the way.
Keep in mind that a SMART goal plan should remain flexible. Although you may have a time frame in which you want to accomplish your SMART goal, roadblocks may inadvertently arise that prevent you from completing your goal on schedule. In these instances, continue to do your part to make progress and do your best to accomplish your goal as soon as you can.
3. Integrate Rewards into Your Goals
Celebrate every time you achieve a SMART goal. Even a small reward like a special dinner with family and friends or a vacation can help you commemorate your successes as you achieve various career goals.
Set up milestones on your way to accomplishing big career goals, too. Remember, it may require lots of time and energy to achieve these goals, but celebrating milestones along the way can help you stay on track as you work toward accomplishing these aspirations.
4. Monitor Your Results
Track your performance toward achieving your SMART goals at regular intervals. You can conduct weekly, biweekly, or monthly reviews to ensure that you are on pace to accomplish your SMART goals as planned.
Of course, if you fall behind on a SMART goal, try not to stress. Instead, brainstorm ways to catch up on your push to accomplish this goal. You can also revamp your SMART goal if necessary.
5. Learn and Grow
Enroll in online classes, watch video tutorials, and continue to learn as you progress toward achieving your SMART goals. Education is powerful, and it can help you advance your skill set and industry knowledge, so you can accomplish your SMART goals without delay.
In addition to continuously learning, you should exercise regularly and maintain a healthy diet. If you take care of your body and mind, you can feel your best and put yourself in a great position to achieve your SMART goals.
Want to Find Your Dream Job in 2021? Ascend Staffing Is Here to Help
At Ascend Staffing, we can help you identify your dream job and achieve your career aspirations in the new year. To learn more, please contact us today.