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Tips for Attracting the Best Job Candidates

Updated: May 22

Finding staff can be easy: You put out an ad in a paper or post a job opening online, and you’d be amazed at how many applicants come knocking on your door. However, while that may get you a lot of applicants, it does little in the way of ensuring you get the best possible candidate for the job. After all, the goal is to get the best option, not just who is available.

Higher productivity, higher engagement, and an overall positive attitude are just a few of the benefits you can expect when you hire the best candidate for the job, which begs the question: How do you attract the best candidates?

Today, we are going to give you our expert advice for finding the perfect fit for your company.

Don’t Wait 

As the saying goes, “it is better to dig your well before you’re thirsty,” and the intent behind that analogy can be applied to attracting the best candidates. If you wait until the last minute to try and fill a vacancy, you’ll find that you will likely be scrambling trying to meet a hard deadline. However, by passively looking for candidates, you can not only give yourself more time to find the right employee (long before you even need one) but can also serve to provide you with a bank of potential hires should there be a need.

Have an Attractive Website 

In the modern digital age, most candidates will come across your company’s website. This can either be with them directly looking for a job or by doing a little research about your company after seeing a posting. By keeping your website clean and up-to-date with such things as your company’s vision, mission, values, along with some cultural images and a careers section, you’d be amazed at how much more valued your organization will be in the eyes of potential candidates – especially the good ones!

Write a Great (Not Good) Job Description 

Most organizations spend a lot of time and effort trying to present themselves to their clients and customers in an appealing way. After all, who would want to do business with a company who was anything but? However, doesn’t it stand to reason that you should also put the same amount of effort into attracting top talent?

A great job description uses welcoming, inclusive, and enticing language. Be sure to include some of the unique benefits that they can expect working for your company. Remember, top talent wants to feel appreciated, challenge, and most of all, important.

Don’t Play Money Games 

Everyone needs money – and this includes your potential hires. So why are you so coy about it? If what you are offering is fair, equitable, and up to industry standards, you should most certainly include what your potential hires stand to make. And if you don’t, well, you might just be scaring off your next employee of the month.

Find Your Next Great Hire with Ascend Staffing!

Looking to grow? Looking to be better? It all starts with hiring the right staff – and we can help! Contact Ascend Staffing and partner with a trusted staffing agency. 


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