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Work-Life Balance: Why It's Critical to Employee Retention

Updated: May 22, 2024

Work-life balance, i.e. equilibrium between your everyday work activities and personal life, is paramount. Yet, some companies ignore work-life balance. The result: these companies struggle to attract and retain top talent.

If your company encourages employees to maintain a healthy work-life balance, it boosts the likelihood of developing and maintaining an engaged workforce. Since workers can enjoy and appreciate life to the fullest extent, they will be motivated and inspired to perform their best in all that they do.

When it comes to promoting a healthy work-life balance, there are lots of things you can do, such as:

1. Learn from Your Employees

Find out what your employees need to be happy and successful. To do so, conduct a survey in which employees can share their thoughts on flexible work schedules, how many hours they work in a given week, and other work topics.

Include a combination of open- and closed-ended questions in your survey. Then, review the survey results and use them to implement work-life balance solutions that can deliver meaningful results across your workforce.

2. Teach Your Employees

Educate your employees about work-life balance, why it is important, and what can be done to achieve a healthy work-life balance. Develop a webinar or seminar about work-life balance, or create a PowerPoint to deliver to employees on your own.

Give employees the opportunity to ask questions about work-life balance as well. In doing so, you allow employees to gain the insights they need to develop and maintain a healthy work-life balance now and in the future.

3. Watch for Burnout

Check the pulse of your workforce regularly. This enables you to identify employees who may be feeling "burned out" at work and provide them with additional support.

Signs of employee burnout include high rates of absenteeism, ongoing errors during work projects, and physical exhaustion. If you notice one or more of these burnout warning signs, meet with an employee and share your concerns. Next, you can help this employee take steps to establish a healthy work-life balance.

4. Set the Right Example

Prioritize a healthy work-life balance in your day-to-day activities. This allows you to set the tone for your workforce and show employees the value of maintaining a healthy work-life balance.

Schedule time for vacation throughout the year, and encourage your employees to do the same. You can also try to leave the office at the same time each day, so your employees won't feel pressured to stay late at work.

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